Thomas Fredericks

Velvet Shirt

11 1/2" H incl. 1 1/4" base

The Velvet Shirt, or Navan Kachina, "is a comparatively recent kachina as it seems to have originated in Moenkopi sometime after 1900. He is one of the more colorful kachinas in a regular kachina dance with his bright ribbons and flowers. He may also appear in Kiva Dances. "

- Barton Wright, Kachinas: a Hopi Artist's Documentary (191)

Thomas Fredericks is from Third Mesa. Born in Phoenix Arizona in April of 1973. Raised in Phoenix with frequent visits to the Hopi Reservation with his parents thus exposing him to his Hopi culture. After graduation from High School, Tom enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served during the 1st Gulf War aboard the aircraft carrier the U.S.S. Independence.

After being honorable discharged he entered the restaurant business and worked until becoming interested in his fathers (Johns) work. First helping to sand carvings and helping at the art shows. He carving on his own, eventually carving well enough to begin selling his own work.

Through practice, trial and error and hard work he has established his own style and customer base. He continues to perfect his own art while he grows to maintain and learn his traditional and cultural identity, he is also the proud father of 3 children, Aeneas, Andrew and Annabelle. Fredericks

Gallery Price: $1,200.00


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